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North America Sportshows
Ohio 2020-21 Archery Deer Hunting Season Opens Sept 26

Submitted by:  TBC Press
Posted on: 08/27/20
News # 13851
For more information on deer hunting in Ohio see; HUNTING AND TRAPPING REGULATIONS 2020-2021

Ohio 2020 archery deer hunting season opens Sept 26 and runs through Feb 7, 2021. Hunting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30
minutes after sunset. No preseason or walk-in controlled hunts will occur for the 2020-2021 season. 

A hunter may kill no more than one antlered deer during the 2020-2021 season regardless of where or how it is taken. An antlered deer has at least one antler 3 inches or longer in length. A hunter is required to complete the game check process following the harvest of a white-tailed deer.

In addition to your valid Ohio hunting license, you must purchase an either-sex deer permit or a deer management permit
to hunt deer in Ohio, unless exempted. Permits are available online at
  • The either-sex deer permit is valid from Sept. 26, 2020 to Feb. 7, 2021.
  • The deer management permit is valid from Sept. 26 to Nov. 29, 2020.